Empower Free Speech image

Empower Free Speech


Empower Free Speech

American INSIGHTs educational, nonpartisan mission is to promote the history and peaceful origins of Free Speech, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law by empowering students and filmmakers to discuss how these values are expressed in societies around the world.

To establish a broader understanding of Free Speech, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law in the world today.

As a 501(c)3 charity registered in Pennsylvania since 1985, we have maintained a commercial-free environment that strives for both quality and equality, and we are committed to protecting your privacy. We do not sell, rent or trade your personal information.

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For questions about your donation, contact us at: donations@americaninsight.org

The official registration and financial information of American INSIGHT (EIN: 23-2315158) may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within PA, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.